Goddammit Not My Kidneys Again Charlie the Unicorn
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The Unicorns
Oh god, it's you guys. This had better exist pretty freaking important. Is the meadow on fire?
A disgruntled unicorn that just wants to be left lonely. Unfortunately for him, he'due south frequently accompanied by Pink and Blue, who (without his consent) take him across several magical adventures. Charlie has a very dour attitude towards life, often feeling either apathetic or confused by the diverse nonsensical situations that Pinkish and Blue put him through.
- Break the Cutie: A flashback in the Thousand Finale shows that Charlie was initially very happy to come across Pink and Blue, equally they were the starting time unicorns, permit solitary living beings, that he had encountered in a long time. He was much more willing to join them on their "adventure" for the first time.
- Butt-Monkey: Every episode has him existence screwed over by Pink and Blueish by the ending.
- Character Development: Past the Yard Finale, Charlie has been subjected to so much insanity that very little seems to make him upset. He reacts much more apathetically or lightly annoyed at the antics that he is subjected to. By the end of the finale, when his risk is finally over, he simply states:
Charlie: Okay... That wasn't besides bad.
- Catholic Plaything: This is essentially the premise of the entire series; Charlie is the object of amusement for a pair of extradimensional entities bearded as unicorns, and their methods of amusement usually bring some estate of misfortune upon him, each one more horrific than the terminal. As we find out in the finale, he'southward far from the start.
- The Cynic: Several characters, including Frogrus, Caprine animal Seal, and the Dolphin... thing in the first part of the grand finale, all say that Charlie's problems will get away if he just stops existence a grumpy douche. What they fail to admit however, is that his Jerkass behavior is 100% justified, considering his only "friends" are Affably Evil series killers who harvest his organs, steal his belongings, suspension off his horn to use every bit a snowman's nose, and try to outright kill him by blowing upwards the moon. Prior to meeting Pink and Bluish, he was a lot calmer and more than open-minded.
- Deadpan Snarker: Charlie'southward default mental attitude falls into this category.
- Dead All Forth: Subverted and Played for Laughs. Blue at i point tries to gaslight Charlie into thinking that the original Charlie died dorsum in episode iii and that he is the snowman given Charlie's memories via his horn and kidney. Bluish furthers this signal by showing previous events revealing all forth that he is the snowman. And then Charlie points out the Plot Pigsty that 1 of the flashbacks took identify before episode iii. Blueish admits defeat and the scenario is never brought up over again. Ironically, Charlie is one of the only characters in the series who hasn't been dead all forth.
- Didn't Want an Take a chance: Charlie doesn't really ''hold' to go along adventures with Pink and Blueish, they simply strength him to come. He mostly goes with them and then they'll cease bothering him. The M Finale shows that when he offset met Pinkish and Blue, he was on board with the thought of an adventure with them. Plain, this didn't last long.
- Earn Your Happy Catastrophe: In the Yard Finale, Charlie is able to seal the Chaos Spirits, taking their control away from all their meat puppets, including Pinkish and Blue. Charlie is finally complimentary from his torment and can go back to a placidity life where no one can bother him. Word of God has stated that Charlie volition eventually find survivors to keep him company.
- Farthermost Chump: He never actually tries to avoid Pink and Blueish, he normally only asks them to just become abroad.
- Flat "What": Charlie ofttimes utters one when something strange happens.
- Grumpy Bear: Justified, he's just one due to Pink and Blue constantly making his life miserable. They lampshade this in episode three.
Blue: You're similar a constant downer, huh?
- A flashback in the Grand Finale shows that he used to be a lot calmer before he met Pinkish and Blue.
- Here We Become Over again!: Charlie's reaction when realizing that the Millipede is well-nigh to sing for him is to but sigh and say "Yeah, hither we go."
- I Am What I Am: In the finale, Charlie finally partakes in his own song number where he vents about how he has every right and reason to exist a Grumpy Conduct, and shouldn't have to force himself to be happy similar everyone tells him to. His song is strong enough to finally seal the Chaos Spirits abroad.
- Last of His Kind: The Grand Finale heavily hints that not only is Charlie quite possibly i of the last unicorns, but is likewise one of the few living beings left on the planet after the Chaos Spirits have murdered and possessed nearly everyone else.
- Locked Out of the Loop: Even by the cease of the series, Charlie is never given full context of the events regarding Pink, Blue, Nyx, and the Chaos Spirits.
- No Respect Guy: Despite existence the master focus for every unmarried character in the evidence, almost all of them barely even acknowledge his ain feelings.
- Only Sane Man: Seemingly the but grapheme that is sane.
- Organ Theft: Poor Charlie has his kidney stolen from him in the first episode and somewhen has his horn taken off him in episode iii.
- Perpetual Frowner: Simply ever smiles one time in the whole series.
- Protagonist Title: He is Charlie and he is indeed a unicorn.
- Pregnant Name Overlap: Shares the same proper noun as Charlie the Unicorn (the sorcerer). This coincidence is what allows Charlie to safely enter the demon world. It's as well unsaid that the Anarchy Spirits go out of their way to torture our Charlie (even more than than their usual victims) because of wizard Charlie's try to enslave all of them — likely abusing our Charlie every bit a form of misguided payback.
- Straight Human: To well... everyone.
- Took a Level in Cynic: The Grand Finale shows that when Charlie showtime met Pink and Blue, he was actually happy to see them because he hadn't see anyone else for such a long time and enjoyed the idea of going on an adventure with them. This is because Pinkish and Bluish were killing off everyone else, either to utilise as skin puppets or to mess with other people before getting bored and killing them. They met and possessed Pinkish and Blue just before turning their sights to an unsuspecting and much friendlier Charlie.
- Throw the Dog a Bone:
- Episode 4 ends relatively well for Charlie compared to the previous episodes.
- In the M Finale, it seems similar his horn has finally gone back to normal. In the climax, he's finally able to vent his frustrations virtually everything he'southward been through and seal away his tormentors.
- Unexplained Accent: Charlie has what can be discerned as a Jersey accent, despite his Earth not being known to take any countries or states.
- Unwitting Pawn: Every episode has him in this role.
- In episode ane, Pinkish and Blue manipulate Charlie into following them on an chance to Candy Mountain where they eventually knock him out and steals his kidney.
- In episode two, Pinkish and Blue trick Charlie into helping them return a magical amulet to the Banana Rex after which they then convince Charlie that he is the assistant king and while he's distracted, they steal all of his belongings.
- In episode three, Pink and Blue over again manipulate Charlie into post-obit them to the "Liquid Abyss" which is a sunken urban center hidden under a river where they need him to help them complete a snowman to save the world. They then knock out Charlie for the second time, cut off his horn and utilise it as a nose for their snowman.
- In episode four, Pink and Blue yet over again trick Charlie into going all the style to the moon to save the "Cavern of the Red Current of air" when in actuality, they program to kill Charlie while destroying the moon at the aforementioned time, all for no apparent reason other than being bored. Despite this, Charlie really manages to avoid Pinkish and Blue screwing him over this fourth dimension with help of Starfish.
Pink/"Roffle" and Blue/"Lolz"
Heeeeeeey, Charlie!
Two care-complimentary unicorns. They're both happy-go-lucky and dear to proceed adventures with Charlie. They're very friendly towards Charlie and they seem to value his friendship — at showtime glance. In truth, they're both evil and powerful creatures that are capable of doing the literal impossible. They possess a litany of abilities such every bit flying, teleporting and morphing their own bodies. They also relish in Charlie's misery whether it exist simply confusing/annoying him to stealing his kidney. The Grand Finale reveals that Pink and Blue are really unicorn corpses beingness puppeteered past the Demon Cubes.
- Affably Evil: They seem very friendly (and somewhat ignorant) to Charlie until The Reveal at the stop of each episode.
- All There in the Script: Their names are merely revealed in the script.
- Cryptic Genders: Charlie lampshades this in the 2nd episode.
Charlie: Guys? Guys? Or girls. I'thou non really sure what yous 2 are.
- Ambiguous Situation: It is possible that the reason they are so unhinged and Ax-Crazy is due to years of mistreatment and imprisonment by the magician Charlie. Merely, given their status as "Chaos Spirits", it is very likely they were always murderous monstrosities.
- Animalistic Abomination: They're baroque, reality warping creatures that may not fifty-fifty be actual unicorns, but appear as such... in various forms like 3D, photorealistic horses, et cetera. They used to exist normal unicorns, but got killed and had their bodies taken over by a pair of demons.
- Bitch in Sheep'south Vesture: Yous'd never expect that these two sweet, often dimwitted, unicorns take the capability of stealing someone's kidney, their belongings, and destroying the entire moon!
- Big Bad: Episode 4 cements this trope entirely.
- Captain Obvious: They sometimes point out the most obvious things to Charlie.
- Didn't See That Coming: Neither of them expected Charlie to survive entering the gateway to their home dimension.
- The Dividual: They're practically the same character other than their different colors. Word of God has stated that Blue is intended to be the one who leads while Pink is more chaotic and crazier.
- Centre Beams: One of their many abilities.
- Exact Words: In the 4th Episode, they promise Charlie that if he goes into the Cavern of the Red Wind, they'll never carp him once again. That'south considering they're planning on killing Charlie inside.
- Imitation Friends: To Charlie.
- Fauxshadow: Roffle and Lolz proceed warning Charlie that they have to get terminate the recently unleashed Wabbawongo. The thing doesn't actually exist, merely upon rewatch, the way they refer to information technology gives several allusions to the fact that they're really talking nigh themselves every bit Anarchy Spirits.
- Confront of an Angel, Mind of a Demon: Cheerful pastel unicorns who are actually murderous, sadistic chaos spirits.
- Flying: Their most frequent power.
- For the Evulz: Their reason for attempting to impale Charlie? Because they're bored.
- Gone Horribly Correct: Word of God reveals that the reason why they dragged Charlie to the tower was to upset Nyx and Starfish by making them watch Charlie dice when enterting through the portal as payback for ruining their plans back in episode four. What they didn't intend on was that Charlie was able to go through it.
- It Amused Me: As revealed in the fourth video, the simply reason they're tormenting Charlie is because they're bored.
- Jerkass: Despite being seemingly harmless, they care for Charlie rather desperately and by the quaternary video they outright try to kill him.
- Karma Houdini: They have then far never suffered any comeuppance for their actions. This changes at the end of the grand finale, where they seem to be sealed away for practiced.
- Manipulative Bastard: They're masters at tricking Charlie.
- Meaningful Name: According to the script, their names are Lolz (as in "Laughing Out Loud") for the bluish one and Roffle (every bit in "Rolling On The Floor Laughing") for the pink i. This fits with their motivations to do ...everything, really.
- Meat Puppet: Equally information technology turns out, Pink and Blueish - and, indeed, everything they've controlled, messed with, or turned into a musical number in the entire serial - are this. Everything Charlie encounters, including the two of them, are corpses killed by the Cube Demons that are simply existence puppeted for their amusement.
- Mysterious Past: Their unabridged life can be considered this, other than the possibility that they might be series killers in episode 4, their origins and purpose have remained a mystery. We really notice their origins in the Grand Finale. The original Pink and Blue unicorns have been expressionless for a long fourth dimension and the Demon Cubes accept been puppeteering their expressionless bodies. Charlie is only the latest of their many victims to be toyed with until they go bored and impale them.
- No Name Given: Charlie always refers to them as "guys". The script reveals that the blue one's name is "Lolz" and the pink one'southward name is "Roffle".
- Non-Human being Non-Binary: Word of God confirms them as "agender".
- Overly Long Tongue: They wrap their tongues effectually Charlie in episode 3, twice.
- Psychopathic Manchild: Or at to the lowest degree, they act this way. The series' whole gimmick is that they elevate Charlie on fanciful imaginary adventures similar children pretending to be heroes (sometimes making "pew pew" sounds or fighting pretend monsters), but one-half the stuff on the adventure turns out to be real (and bizarre) and the rest is but a scheme to mess with Charlie. As the series goes on they driblet this a little more, making information technology clear they're just screwing with Charlie, but never entirely.
- Reality Warper: Starting in episode 2, they're able to exercise this.
Charlie: I don't empathize how you can practise these things!
- Shapeshifting: Ane of their powers, examples include: turning themselves 3D, melting, inflating and angle their legs.
- Stylistic Suck: Downplayed and invoked. Dissimilar Charlie, who actually has a horse-like walking cycle, Pink and Blueish's walking bike involves their whole body hopping around repeatedly a la South Park. The flashback in the thousand finale shows that they used to walk normally before getting killed and possessed.
- A Taste of Defeat: Episode four is the get-go time that Charlie manages to not be screwed over past Pinkish and Bluish, something that for once, actually shocks them.
- Villainous Friendship: Just two buds hanging out and messing with Charlie nonetheless they please. The K Finale reveals they've been doing this to others for over x thousand years, killing them off when they become bored while killing others to use equally pare puppets. When the first released Cube Demon met the second ane, it responded past maxim "-got myself a piddling friend now!"
Ghost Charlie
A long dead unicorn with the aforementioned name equally Charlie. Originally the world'southward greatest sorcerer and a CEO of a major magical/technology firm.
- And I Must Scream: A more than benign case. Give-and-take of God says that Ghost Charlie is forever stuck in the Chaos Spirits' realm/office quarters; but since he is a ghost, they can do little to harm him.
- Decadent Corporate Executive: Thankfully not to the extent of Mayor Sluv. While he did imprison and enslave the chaos spirits in a bid to make a turn a profit, the ensuing ten 1000 years of destruction make him realize that his "project" isn't working out and attempt to shut it down.
- Evil Is Not a Toy: In the distant past he tried to enslave anarchy spirits and got himself killed for it. Two of the chaos spirits escaped and tormented culture for thousands of years. Giving them the ability to siphon magic was a horrible thought.
- Did Non Call up This Through: Admits as much when information technology came to his plan to enslave chaos spirits as weapons, and is willing to work with our Charlie to stop them.
- Greater-Scope Villain: He's a bit iffy on the villain side. More than of he's a selfish and slightly corrupt corporate figurehead, only he is more or less responsible for everything in the serial. He idea he could control the chaos spirits, which in turn led to his death, the all but stated annihilation of all civilization, and every mutilation, violation, and theft that has befallen Charlie.
- Ignored Epiphany: Word of God states that, despite his project with the chaos spirits have caused both his death and the terminate of all civilization, Ghost Charlie had intended to use the Mindscape Realizer on Charlie non to stop the anarchy spirits, but to repurpose them into something more profitable. So his intentions were far from altruistic.
- Mainlining the Monster: He captured and attempted to enslave a ton of chaos spirits and convert them into self-sustaining weapons so that he could make a ton of coin selling them.
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist: Averted - he sheepishly admits that he mostly works with magical siphons.
- Too Dumb to Live: The entire world was practically destroyed because this guy thought information technology was a good idea to weaponize a race of creatures with a reputation for chaos and mayhem, and knowing made them even more than powerful to do and then. He freely admits it wasn't the best idea, though.
The Vocal Characters
In Full general
Mysterious characters that seem to only have one sole purpose, to sing to Charlie.
- Dead All Forth: The finale reveals that all of them, except for Starfish, are actually animated corpses.
- Disney Acid Sequence: They all put Charlie (and sometimes Pink and Blue) through one when they offset singing.
- Fabricated of Explodium: They invariably explode at the cease of their songs.
- Running Gag: They e'er explode after finishing their song to Charlie.
Charlie: It simply exploded, like everything does when information technology sings to me!
- We Hardly Knew Ye: Their sole purpose is to sing a vocal that is vaguely related to the main story and so quickly explode after finishing said song. Considering the fact that they are all meat puppets, this is likely a case of You Take Outlived Your Usefulness.
Candy Mountain Letters
Oh, when you're down and looking for some cheering up then just head correct on upward to the Processed Mountain Cave!
Talking letters from a sign brought to life that endeavor to convince Charlie to enter the Processed Mountain Cave.
- Breathing Inanimate Object: They are living messages that came out of a sign for Candy Mount.
- Dorsum for the Finale: The letter of the alphabet Y appears again in a flashback during the Grand Finale, revealing that it was one of the beginning creatures Pinkish made.
- Disney Acid Sequence: Downplayed, out of all the other song characters, their'southward is the near relatively normal one.
- Food Songs Are Funny: Their song is about the various foods in Candy Mountain.
All yous have to exercise is put a banana in your ear!
A green... thingy dressed up similar Santa Claus that guards the Temple of the Banana King. He tries to convince Charlie that putting a banana in his ear will make him happier.
- Cartoon Fauna: What he is exactly is unknown.
- Chummy Commies: During his vocal, yous can find the Communist symbol — a Hammer and Sickle, with a banana replacing the sickle. Implying that he might be a communist. Doubles with Funny Background Event.
- Food Songs Are Funny: His vocal is near shoving a banana into Charlie'south favorite ear.
- Ignorance Is Bliss: His song seems to imply that putting a assistant in ane's ear will cake out all audio of the "badness" in the world, thus making them happier. Charlie however doesn't believe this.
- Dainty Hat: Wears a christmas hat.
- Noodle Incident: It's eyes and oral fissure are covered in blood for reasons that aren't stated.
Goat Seal
When you're feeling all alone, the world'south a drone..
A Caprine animal Seal that wants Charlie to realize that if he is only happier, the world will be a much amend place for him.
- Creepy Cute
Charlie: I tin't tell if you're adorable or creepy.
Goat Seal: (Singing) When your heart is cold every bit stone, only change your tone! Get rid of that groan, and the world will also!
Charlie: ...Probably going to go with creepy.
- Token Proficient Teammate: For the song characters, his song seems to be the most sincere and well-significant to Charlie.
- Y'all Are Not Alone: His song is almost how the many species in the ocean all love Charlie. Starfish in particular.
The Millipede Queen
True cat Head
A massive floating cat head.
- Flying Face
- Non-Standard Graphic symbol Design: He's a photo-realistic cat caput with animated eyes.
- Ink-Suit Actor: Although not blithe, the cat head is a photo of Jason Steele'southward actual cat, Luca (she regrettably died at some point during production of the finale).
Hand Puppet
A hand boob that supposedly stalks Charlie.
- All-Knowing Singing Narrator: The song "The Temple of the True cat" is nigh entirely a spoken-discussion by him, where he tells the audience about Charlie's time in the temple from beginning to end.
- Non-Standard Character Blueprint: He's a realistic looking puppet being controlled by a hand.
- Stalker with a Vanquish: To Charlie.
Hand Boob: I volition always exist watching you! Forever!
- Killed Off for Existent: He already exploded after singing "I Will Always Be Watching Yous", but he returned in the finale for "The Temple of The True cat", where he explodes again after the song.
The Dolphin With the Wig
A floating dolphin with a 1960s era-style wig.
- Immediate Self-Contradiction: Asks Charlie to come in, so screams at him for entering the house. Asks Charlie to take a seat, then demands he get off the good furniture.
- Mood-Swinger: Acts friendly and solicitous, then immediately switches to lashing out at Charlie.
- Never My Fault: Acts incredibly passive-aggressive to Charlie, then criticizes him for getting upset nearly it.
- Stepford Smiler: Encourages Charlie to exist an Empty type, blaming him for having negative emotions in spite of being treated badly and telling him not to feel said emotions.
The Magical Cat
A magical cat who resides in its own temple.
- Hidden Elf Hamlet: According to the song, the Temple of The Cat is so out of the way that no map has e'er drawn information technology.
- True cat Girl: The Magical Cat itself is genderless, only the borders during its third chorus testify that cat girls live in the temple with it.
- Flying Confront: It has no body, only a foreign psychedelic head with vaguely realistic snout and ears.
- Narcissist: A calorie-free example, but its 2d chorus is all about how much Charlie (or the watcher) wants to pet its fur and hear it purr, too as calling itself "pretty much the best" and is "sure we are impressed".
- Welcoming Song: The Magical Cat is rather enthralled to have Charlie as a invitee, and states that he tin stay as long every bit he wants.
Other Creatures
Chaos Spirits
AKA the Cube Demons. Strange, demonic, spinning cubes that take sadistic glee in messing with their victims. They are extremely powerful entities that are almost unstoppable. They have the ability to not only command the corpses of their victims, but can also warp reality itself. Despite beingness imprisoned, ii of them manage to break gratis — and possess the bodies of Pink and Blue.
- And I Must Scream: They are unable to generate speech on their own, and require concrete hosts to speak.
- Big Bad: Of the entire series! Sans Charlie, Starfish, and the ghosts of some characters, they have controlled practically every single character (most notably Pink and Blue) in the show that has interacted with Charlie. They are cause of every misfortune that has befallen Charlie and are implied to accept wiped out almost all life on the planet to be used equally meat puppets.
- Eldritch Anathema: Giant spinning cubes that pulse with lite. By the end of the finale, we find out that the cubes aren't even the creatures' true forms simply rather cocky-sustaining containment devices that amplify their powers. As far equally we know, they are baggy spiritual creatures who lack whatsoever physical grade.
- Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humour: They find it absolutely hilarious that Mayor Sluv threw Nyx's letter about their invasion into the garbage, only to exist killed and puppeteered by them soon afterward.
- Faux Affably Evil: They take great glee in their murderous rampage, and have a knack for mocking people. They talk to Nyx as if they're a friend, and they mock Norwell for failing to protect the belfry, and by extension, the world.
- This is especially true for Pink and Blueish, whose guise of friendship with Charlie is really merely a smokescreen to torture him and somewhen kill him when they've had plenty.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: They were fairly weak annoyances until Charlie the Sorcerer Unicorn got the bright thought to stick them in boxes with magic siphons. After that, it took only one of them to offset destroying the world. The second one was simply gravy on summit.
- Gone Horribly Right: The original Charlie the Unicorn tried to create weapons out of them by sealing them in iron cubes and adding a magic siphoning spell to enhance their powers. This only made them fifty-fifty more than dangerous than before, and too powerful to control.
- Hoist past Their Own Petard: Their constant ill-treatment of Charlie allows him to weaponize his anger and banish them.
- I Have Many Names: People used refer to them as fairies, demons, etc. nicknames which all meant the same entities.
- Invincible Villain: They can murder and possess people in a flash of a second, they tin can warp reality itself, and cannot be physically stopped. Charlie is only able to stop them by re-sealing them dorsum into their realm.
- Magic Eater: They're capable of draining magic from their victims.
- Our Fairies Are Different/Our Demons Are Different: Dialogue from the original Charlie the Unicorn suggests that they've been conflated with both fairies and demons in the past.
- Sealed Evil in a Can:
- The majority of the spirits are locked abroad in a split up realm simply attainable via the tower portal, with one more sealed in the caverns below after it was summoned by the starting time Charlie the Unicorn, stole his magic and killed him. Besides bad the Weasels foolishly release that i, and when trying to utilise the belfry to fix this, Nyx only ends up releasing another.
- In addition, the Chaos Spirit'due south original forms are sealed inside iron cubes that part as self-sustaining containment devices.
- Walking Spoiler: It's hard to talk near these characters without spoiling the reveal that nearly every character in the show is actually a puppet of the demons controlling Pink and Blue.
A giant prehistoric reptile laying on top of a rock. Pinkish and Blue can seemingly understand his language.
- Pliosaur on Fire: Catches on fire by blow in "charlie teh unicron episode 1".
- The Unintelligible: Justified, as he'south a behemothic pilosaur.
Banana People
Talking bananas that help Pink and Blue convince Charlie that he'due south the Banana King.
- Anthropomorphic Food: Talking bananas.
- Ignorance Is Elation: Similar, Frogrus, they want Charlie to block out all of the "badness" in the earth past shoving a assistant in his ear.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: They disappear without any mention one time they pull a fast one on Charlie into thinking that he'due south the banana male monarch.
A talking starfish that deeply loves Charlie. In episode four, he saves Charlie'south life.
- Abhorrent Gentleman: Really obsessed with Charlie. Downplayed in that Charlie doesn't seem to heed his clingy behavior that much.
- Cast from Hit Points: See beneath.
- Chekhov's Gun: Hilariously subverted. Throughout the G Finale Starfish keeps forcing Charlie to "absorb" magical items that will bail to his soul for eternity. He insists that Charlie will demand their magic to survive what'due south coming. Then we find out that Charlie didn't demand them to enter the portal at all. A loophole in the portal'southward security system allows him to pass harmlessly without apply of magic, due to having the aforementioned name every bit its creator. Then double subverted, as beingness magic is a requirement to use the Mindscape Realiser™.
- Flaying Alive: Making a wish on him causes all of his skin to burn down off.
- Heroic Sacrifice: He saves Charlie'southward life on the moon past sending him back domicile with a wish before the entire moon blows upward.
- Killed Off for Real: He suffers from a "perfectly natural heart attack" at the very end of the finale and becomes a ghost. He still promises to always look out for Charlie.
- Objectshifting: He used to be the bike on the tower that would open a rift into the Chaos Spirit'due south realm. Nyx used their ghostly magic to turn him into a starfish to aid scour the earth in finding anyone that can stop the Chaos Spirits. According to himself in the stop, before he was the wheel, he was actually a starfish-centaur hybrid.
- Just Friend: Seems to accept go this for Charlie, though he clearly wants information technology to exist more than that.
- Time Stands Even so: In the finale information technology'southward revealed that he has the ability to stop time. He uses this to give Charlie magical objects without Bluish and Pink noticing what he's doing.
- Token Good Teammate: The merely character in the whole testify that actually helps Charlie. Which makes sense because he's actually working with Nyx.
- Spanner in the Works: Blue and Pink clearly did not expect him to rescue Charlie in episode 4. This is the first time something ever happens in the serial that Bluish and Pink didn't plan to happen.
The Weasel
- Development Gag: According to Jason Steele he had the plans for the finale in place when making the original series, just had to give them upward because he didn't accept the adequacy to follow information technology up. The Weasel has the same general design as the later-seen Tutelary Weasels, and the behemothic door Charlie meets him in gets reused in the finale, so their appearance in a gag advertisement video comes off as him using the ideas he had wherever he could at the time. Information technology has since become Foreshadowing, now that the finale has actually been made.
- Mr. Exposition: Parodied.
- Cipher-Effort Boss: Is immediately shot down by Pink and Blue's Eye Beams.
A pangolin scholar who warns the Order of Tutelary Weasels that they may be guarding the wrong matter.
- Big Skilful: They're the main driving force wanting to stop the Chaos Spirits from taking over. Fifty-fifty as a ghost, they still endeavor to help and had a hand in creating Starfish.
- Dead All Forth: Information technology'southward revealed in part 4 of the finale that they were actually killed ten thousand years agone.
- Forced to Lookout: After revealing itself, the Chaos Spirit says he'll keep Nyx alive so Nyx tin watch everything fall apart. And so Nyx gets to spend ten thousand years in the post-apocalyptic world every bit a ghost.
- Mix-and-Match Critters: They announced to be a mammal covered in overlapping scales, and has big claws on their hands, making them resemble a pangolin. However, they also have a beak-similar claw on their nose and long, donkey-similar ears. Their Magic City bio lists their species as "Pangolonis".
- Nice Guy: Is incredibly kind and courteous.
- Prissy Task Breaking It, Hero: Although they couldn't have known it, the belfry was, in fact, a device to open the portal to the realm the Chaos Spirits originated from. Their turning the wheel, with no idea of what it might do, opens the portal and lets some other Spirit into the world.
- Non-Human Not-Binary: Their "Magic City: Metropolis of Magic" profile lists their gender as "Ten" and Word of God confirms that they go past they/them pronouns.
- Only Sane Homo: The only other one in the series besides Charlie. They're conspicuously far more than together than the Club of Tutelary Weasels, but is as well polite to make them heed.
- Repetitive Name: Because they always spell their name, the mayors of Magic City and Sea City believe that their middle and terminal names are phonetic spellings of the letters in their kickoff proper name (En Why Ex). They analyze to Sea City's mayor that "it'due south just Nyx", just she ignores them.
- Seldom-Seen Species: They're partly based on a pangolin, a scaly, ant-eating mammal commonly suspected to have passed the SARS-CoV-2 virus onto humans.
- Unfinished Business: Even 10,000 years later Nyx is still attempting to finish the Anarchy Spirits wrath. They are able to peacefully pass on once Charlie seals Pink and Bluish for good.
Social club of Tutelary Weasels
An order of weasels guarding a tower they believe holds a great evil. Turns out the danger is really in the basement. Except they plough out to be partially correct all along.
- Accidentally Authentic: Norwell considers the Weasels to have been correct all along after Nyx theorizes that the belfry might have played a function in keeping the monster sealed. He is correct, simply not for the right reasons.
- Brute Sweet on Object: Norwell gets a song about how he has fallen in love with and married a sentient talking coat.
- Happily Married: Norwell with his talking coat husband. Yes really.
- Dainty Job Breaking Information technology, Hero: They open the door in the basement of the tower, thinking there are just weapons on the other side. Turns out there'due south an Eldritch Abomination inside that kills the entire order and now threatens the whole earth.
- No Name Given: The simply member of the order who is named is Norwell.
- All-seeing Council of Vagueness: Parodied. Instead of a wise council, they're a bunch of passive aggressive dweebs who mostly just whine about beingness inconvenienced while refusing to mind to anyone but themselves. The moment something important happens on their watch, they completely foul it up and get themselves killed.
- Smurfette Principle: Simply one of the weasels has feminine features.
- Glutinous Fingers: Norwell steals a keyboard, or actually the ghost of a keyboard, from a musician that he accidently scared to death.
- The World's Expert on Getting Killed: Their Order was founded to contain the evil inside their belfry. When a crisis involving this evil crops up, they immediately set it free by accident and die.
The Original Pink and Blue
The original two unicorns before they were subsequently killed and had their bodies controlled past the Chaos Spirits.
- Death of Personality: Their ultimate fate, at the easily of the Anarchy Spirits who possessed their bodies.
- Minor Major Character: Without them, the spirits controlling them would have never duped Charlie with their unicorn bodies.
- Oh, Crap!: Bluish promptly freaks out when they discover that Pinkish has been possessed.
An insectoid who, along with other insectoids, live in infinite and "quietly dominion the globe".
- Authority in Proper noun Only: Krell says that bugs quietly rule the earth. However, any actual touch on they've had on the planet remains to be seen.
- Eyewitness Syndrome: Krell and the residuum of his council didn't endeavor to end the Chaos Spirits from destroying civilization because they were afraid of it, even though they "didn't like that they were killing everyone".
- Cannot Keep a Underground: He'due south willing to tell Nyx secrets that the bugs were supposed to go on from surface dwellers, such every bit the bugs ruling the globe from space and that owls are apparently bugs. Subverted in the fact that the Chaos Spirits are killing everyone, so he figures he might likewise tell Nyx what he knows.
- The Skillful King: Subverted. Despite initially sitting back and watching the Chaos Spirit impale everyone, he'south the only one of his kind (and the only authorization effigy for that matter) who steps up to help Nyx finish the crunch.
- Inconvenient Summons: He teleports Nyx to his Play a joke on while the latter was in the middle of a chat (mid-judgement as well) with Empress Susanix.
- It's Personal: He and the other insectoids only sentinel the Anarchy Spirit kill anybody and he merely decides to intervene when it starts killing his people.
- I-Hit Impale: The Chaos Spirit kills Krell effortlessly since all he could do was fizz around it.
- Redemption Equals Death: When he finally decides to do something almost the Chaos Spirit and joins Nyx, he ends upwardly getting killed past information technology, rather unceremoniously likewise.
- Sole Survivor: He outlasts the other insectoids who were existence killed past the Chaos Spirits. They do get to him eventually though.
- Surveillance equally the Plot Demands: Krell and the insectoids monitor their Globe's activities largely through unspecified means. The only reason Krell gives Nyx as to why he knows they were at the tower when the Chaos Spirit was released is "owls", meaning they must exist spies.
- Teleportation: He'south able to teleport himself and anyone to seemingly anywhere.
Mayor Sluv
A hippo who is both CEO of Sluv Industries and Mayor of Magic City: City of Magic. He ends up possessed and then killed by one of the chaos spirits.
- Allegorical Character: In a metacontext. The Chaos Spirit possessing him asks Nyx if they can harness the spirits for money, which is exactly what its creator, Charlie the Sorcerer, tried doing. Much similar the Sorcerer, Sluv was killed by the spirit for disrespecting it.
- Dead All Forth: Not only does he reveal that the chaos spirit reached Magic City: City of Magic before Nyx did, but that the demon killed him and is puppeteering his corpse to speak to Nyx.
Mayor Sluv: It's gross, but however electable.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive:
- 1 of his directly questions is to ask if the magic-eating chaos spirit can be harnessed. For money, not evil. It also appears that Sluv Industries doesn't actually produce anything, yet however makes enough money to be a Mega-Corp.
- The chaos spirit possessing him reveals that he threw Nyx's letter in the garbage, clearly non even caring about it that much.
- Insistent Terminology: When it comes to Magic City: City of Magic, Mayor Sluv considers it very important you say the entire title, colon included.
- Irony: He tossed Nyx'southward alert alphabetic character into the garbage and and so got killed past the thing Nyx was warning him almost.
- Ludicrous Gibs: What happens when the chaos demon ceases possessing him.
- Mega-Corp: Sluv Industries has full control of Magic City: Metropolis of Magic and provides almost every service in the city.
- Ane Nation Under Copyright: Sluv is both CEO of Sluv Industries and Mayor of Magic City: City of Magic, with the corporation having grown powerful enough to take over the metropolis.
Empress Susanix
A stingray who is empress of Sea City: City of the Sea. Unlike Mayor Sluv, she wasn't killed past the chaos spirits immediately, instead they bribed her with a hundred 1000 gold coins and the hope to not assault Ocean City: City of the Sea for ten years in exchange for her metropolis's geographical and surveillance data.
- God Salve Us from the Queen!: Though information technology's not because she's evil, and then much equally information technology is that she's incompetent.
- Greed: Dooms her own city in exchange for a hundred thousand gold coins.
- Killed Offscreen: Inevitably, seeing equally Charlie's story takes place thousands of years after Body of water Urban center: City of the Sea's x year deadline is upwards.
The Glaze
A living coat who was brought to life by a witch'due south curse.
- Beautiful Singing Vox: He'south no slouch when information technology comes to singing.
- Creating Life: Not him, but he explicitly states that he was given life by a witch.
- Joke of the Barrel: In Norwell'south song "All Brutal Downwardly", the coat gets a very out-of-place rap role where he raps about how nice Norwell'due south ass is. Norwell clearly enjoys the flattery though.
- Killed Offscreen: He likely died of natural causes before Charlie's time, as per Word of God.
- Love at Start Sight: As revealed in his showtime song with Norwell, he fell in dearest with Norwell after he went shopping for coats and pulled him out to examine him.
- Magic A Is Magic A: In Norwell's "Coat Song", he longs about how he withal needs a coat, and while he loves his coat husband, he'south unable to wear him due to the terms of the spell that personified him. The terms are never specified, only it can safely be assumed that spell says the glaze may live but can never exist worn.
- Minor Character, Major Song: He gets this twice with his husband Norwell. Outside of the 2 songs, he's practically irrelevant, and he'd be like shooting fish in a barrel to forget elsewise.
- My Parents Are Dead: When Norwell tells him that Magic City: City of Magic has fallen and if he knows anyone there, the coat flatly states that his father is dead. This is the only mention of his parents that nosotros get.
- The Nameless: By his own admission, he has no name simply considering he's a glaze.
- Odd Couple: Norwell is a ghostly weasel and the coat is, well, a coat. Norwell fifty-fifty makes annotation of how strange of a pair they are.
- Official Couple: He and Norwell are happily married.
- Older Than They Look: He'southward really an old coat, and he only looks new considering of his love for Norwell.
- Piss Take Rap: For a coat, he'due south actually a very adept rapper.
charlie teh unicron Characters
charlie (teh unicron)
The more than laid back and calm Charlie.
- Butt-Monkey: Averted, since this serial doesn't take him every bit the Unwitting Pawn in every episode.
- Satellite Character: Despite being the championship graphic symbol, charlie doesn't have that much focus but instead follows pink and blueish around and watches their crazy antics.
- Nice Guy: In contrast to his original analogue, charlie here is much more kinder and patient to everyone else.
pink and blue (teh unicrons)
The much cruder Pinkish and Blue.
- Adaptational Personality Change: They're much more decumbent to bickering, equally opposed to their original selves, who were essentially The Dividual. Despite existence much more louder, obnoxious, and arguably ruder, they are also nowhere near as evil as they are to their original counterparts.
- Does Not Similar Spam: While almost everyone on the show hates K Slamwiches, pink and blue freak out on the mere mention of it.
- Jerkass: Much more rude/violent compared to their original counterparts.
- Pet the Domestic dog: Their treatment towards charlie, despite yet bringing him on their adventures. They have never actively harmed Charlie and they seem to actually want his company.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: To each other and charlie.
grand slamwich waitress
- Big Bad: Of the charlie teh unicron serial.
- Token Human: The only human being character to appear.
the banana rex
- Ascended Extra: Was originally The Ghost in the original series before coming back as the Arc Villain for this spin-off'south episode 2.
- Unexplained Recovery: He bleeds to death in his apartment simply the next scene immediately shows him live and well.
starfish's cousin
- Disproportionate Retribution: Killed starfish for a basket of cheddar biscuits.
- Distaff Counterpart: To the Millipede Queen.
- Dainty Guy: In contrast to the Millipede Queen, he'southward surprisingly enough, a actually kind graphic symbol that is eager to sing to Charlie.
Yannicorn Characters
Charlie (the Yannicorn)
- Deadpan Snarker: His dialogue with Star-cat-fish heavily relies on this.
- Mix-and-Match Critters: He'south a floating starfish with a cat head.
- Sidekick Creature Nuisance: Acts similar a general homage to the trope, the kind that was a mutual attempt at cartoon "comic relief" for a while. Hither, he gets paired up next to the drier, less "stock" reactions of Charlie the Yannicorn.
- Through the Eyes of Madness: The climax shows him hearing everything the other ii characters say in terms of nutrient and distorted color shades. Leading to him, from the outside, interpreting the sudden advent of the Ghost King and his stated intent to ruin everything equally something to practise with "THANKSGIVING DINNER?!" and devouring him.
Kenny Jesus
Ghost King
- Nothing-Try Dominate: Star-cat-fish immediately eats him the moment he appears.
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/CharlieTheUnicorn