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How to Fill Out Reports in Sims 4

Dalam rangka menuh-menuhin postingan, saya pengen sedikit ngebahas tentang 2 career baru yang ada di update 1.3.32.
Kan ada penambahan 2 karir di update itu ya, Athletic Career sama Business Career. Nah kali ini saya pengen bahas tentang Business Career. Kenapa saya bahas karir ini? Karena kemarin-kemarin saya nonton 50 shades of grey dan tiba-tiba pengen ngeliat sosok si Mr. Grey di The Sims 4 saya ini. Tapi nggak berhasil ngebuat wajahnya si Chistian Grey (emang nggak bakat bikin sims)

like a christian grey??? hell, no

Dan setiap liat sims saya yang ini, jadi kepikiran sama Mr. Grey (norak banget sih, macem ABG aja)

So, dibawah ini adalah foto simssayayang kerja di Business Career, urutan seragamnya dari level 1 sampe 10 dari kiri ke kanan.

Yang seragam cewek kebetulan di level 7nya milih percabangan ke Management, dan yang pake seragam cowok itu di level 7nya milih ke Investor. Tapi overall sama saja sih tipe seragamnya, dari cuma pake blouse seadanya (level 1 dan 2), terus mulai agak formal walaupun masih terlihat berantakan waktu diliat (level 3 dan 4), terus langsung terlihat rapi bin klimis (level 5 sampe 7), dan akhirnya terlihat sangat rapi dan berkelas (level 8 sampe 10)

seragam cewek dari level 1 sampe level 10

seragam cowok dari level 1 sampe level 10

Berikut rincian perlevelnya:

Level 1 (Mailroom Technician)
Ideal mood: energized
Daily task: Fill Out Reports
Deskripsi: Far from the days when postal correspondence was the lifeblood of a thriving business, today's mailrooms have been made all but obsolete with the rise of email. Still, somebody's gotta distribute all the online. Still, somebody's gotta distribute all the online shopping deliveries! This sims will have to keep his energy level up to get noticed... and elevated from the mailroom. He can now Fill Out Reports on the computer and Gossip About Office Romances Interaction.

Level 2 (Office Assistant)
Bonus: $130, Desk Nameplate (Stolen), New CAS parts, Make Fun of Corporate Goons Interaction $20/hour
Ideal Mood: energized
Daily task: Fill Out Reports
Skill Required : Level 2 Charisma Skill
Deskripsi: It's amazing how much assistance an office needs. The more energy this sims has, the more he'll get done. The better his social skills, the more recognition he'll receive.

Level 3 (Assistant To The Manager)
Bonus: $156, S.A.L.E.S Award, Imitate Boss interaction
Ideal Mood: energized
Daily task: Fill Out Reports
Skill Required :  Level 2 Charisma Skill, Level 2 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: It's not quite mangement track, but it's the next best thing, isn't it? After all, the manager only has one assistant. (entah mungkin asisten abal-abal mungkin :-/ )

Level 4 (Assistant Manager)
Bonus: $187, Brag About Job Title *sombong hahaha =))
Ideal Mood: energized
Daily task: Fill Out Reports
Skill Required :  Level 3 Charisma Skill, Level 2 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: This is it... almost. Ok, so this sims not a manager, yet. Surely he's next in line for the position. It's time to build those people skills for when he has people to boss about, er... manage.

Level 5 (Regional Manager)
Bonus: $281, Pie Chart Presentation, New CAS parts, Offer Career Advice interaction.
Ideal Mood: confident
Daily task: Fill Out Reports
Skill Required :  Level 4 Charisma Skill, Level 2 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: This sims the man now! ... Or at least the manager of a region of the company. That means he's people skills if he wants an even bigger slice of the pie.

Level 6 (Senior Manager)
Bonus: $527, Tiny Tranquitily Zen Garden
Ideal Mood: confident
Daily task: Fill Out Reports
Skill Required :  Level 4 Charisma Skill, Level 4 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: This sims has proved himself as a manager, but he's got his sights set on the next level. WHeter he wants to be an executive or a financial whiz, it's time to put the effort in and make it happen.

Nah sekarang sampe di level 7, ada 2 pilihan, mau ke Management atau ke Investor. Tinggal pilih suka-suka kita, tapi kalo bingung bisa langsung diliat gambar dibawah ini:

Business Career The Sims 4, management

Business Career The Sims 4, investor

Level 7 ( Management, Vice President)
Bonus: $746, Executron Executive Desk Throne, Make Business Calls interaction
Ideal Mood: confident
Daily task: Make Business Calls
Skill Required :  Level 6 Charisma Skill, Level 5 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: This sim now has the key to the executive washroom! Responsibilities are great, but so are the rewards. It's going to take top-level people skills to make it to the top of this corporate ladder.

Level 7 ( Investor, Futures Trader)
Bonus: $746, Executron Personal Stock Ticker
$112/hour (lebih gede dari management ya?)
Ideal Mood: focused
Daily task: Research Stocks
Skill Required :  Level 5 Charisma Skill, Level 6 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: BLT season coming up? Time to invest in pork belly futures. Commodities are the name of the game, and it's this sim's jobs to know what's going to be hot tomorrow. Keeping an eye on the stock market will help him make him mark.

Level 8 ( Management, Vice President)
Bonus: $1,074, Executron Bookshelf, New CAS parts
Ideal Mood: confident
Daily task: Make Business Calls
Skill Required :  Level 8 Charisma Skill, Level 6 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: The corner office is this sim's. Everyone looks to him for leadership. Too bad the CEO still calls the shorts, but someday ....

Level 8 ( Investor, Hedge Fund Manager)
Bonus: $1.343, Executron Desk Pen Set, New CAS parts, Give Fake Investment Tips interaction
Ideal Mood: focused
Daily task: Research Stocks
Skill Required :  Level 6 Charisma Skill, Level 8 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: It's not actually about hedging; it's about leverage: maximizing returns on your clients' investements. If this sim maximizes enough, there's a sizeable chunk in it for him.

Level 9 ( Management, CEO)
Bonus: $1,612, Executive Guest Chair
Ideal Mood: confident
Daily task: Make Business Calls
Skill Required :  Level 10 Charisma Skill, Level 8 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: This is it: the big chair. This sim makes the moves and he calls the shots. It feels good to be the king, doesn't it? Well, it probably would if he didn't have the board of shareholders breathing down his neck for result all day.

Level 9 ( Investor, Corporate Raider)
Bonus: $1,746, Chronos Magazine (Framed Collector's Edition Issue)
Ideal Mood: focused
Daily task: Research Stocks
Skill Required :  Level 8 Charisma Skill, Level 10 Logic Skill
Deskripsi: This sim is a big game hunter, and corporations are his prey. Mergers and acquisitions are his weapons, and good luck to any straggling executives or minority shareholders that wander into his sights.

Level 10 ( Management, Business Tycoon)
Bonus: $2,417, Executron Executive Desk
Ideal Mood: confident
Daily task: Make Business Calls
Deskripsi: This sim used to run a company, and now this sim runs several. Fortunately, he's got smart folks in key positions, so he's got more free time to enjoy life... and the private jet

Level 10 ( Investor, Angel Investor)
Bonus: $2,619, Executron Executive Desk
Ideal Mood: focused
Daily task: Research Stocks
Deskripsi: This sim's made his mark on the bisiness world. Now all he has to do is find the next guy or gal about to make his or her mark, back them, and wait for their hard work to pay off.

How to Fill Out Reports in Sims 4
