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I Can Eat a Whole Pot of Mac N Cheese

I just tried to eat a whole box worth of mac n cheese at once and regret everything

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  • #101
An entire box of Mac and cheese is nearly 700 calories, and at Fred meter you can get 5 boxes for $3. Being poor, that was my primary source of nutrition when I lived alone.
John Kowalski
  • #102
I don't know what this mac and cheese box is. Is it literally just pasta and cheese?

And people eat it?

  • #103
This thread just confirms why the English speaking nations have an obesity crisis. It's like eating the whole box is a badge of honour or something.
  • #104
Delicious Kraft Dinner + Hot Sauce. I can eat a whole box, I could probably eat 2 boxes. I don't eat it all that often, but sometimes I get a craving for it, and then you better believe that I go all out.
  • #105
Your only mistake was not eating Annie's Mac N Cheese
  • #106
We have to do this once in a lifetime OP

ya did good

  • #107
I don't know what this mac and cheese box is. Is it literally just pasta and cheese?

And people eat it?

Never heard of Kraft Diner?

Add some frozen peas and a spoon of mustard and it become quite good!

  • #108
It is Not even that much food. Lots of calories, sure but It isnt really filling or lots to eat.
  • #110
Wait, that's not for one person?
  • #112
Ive eaten two whole boxes of kraft dinner at once before in a mixing bowl, I dont miss my lows, but that was a good one.
  • #113
I like to mix bolognese sauce and/or ground meat into it when I can
Dead Prince
  • #114
It's not even that much lol
  • #115


I felt a certain sense of relief knowing that everyone else was like "Yeah I crush boxes on the regular"

  • #116
i contemplate boiling up a second box far too often
  • #117
An entire box of velveeta shells and cheese is my comfort food (usually on bad migraine days). It doesn't phase me calorie or weight wise. But my in-laws are bird people that can't handle more than a single sandwich for the day. It's nightmarish visiting anywhere with them because they refuse to eat.
  • #118
If I lived alone, no problem, I'd eat a box of Mac n cheese. But I am not, unfortunately, and have to share with the wife. My kids know better, and will not eat that shit.
  • #119
Would if hungover and I'd have a couple of slices of garlic bread with it. I'd probably eat nothing else that day... probably.
  • #121
I do that all the time... Add your own cheese, butter, and milk. I measure it out like I'm some culinary pro, but truthfully, everytime I eye ball it I don't think it's correct
Walter White Walker
  • #123
I could but I don't see any reason why I would ever do so.
Red Liquorice
  • #124
There's a lot of junk food/shortcut version of dishes I will accept, but macaroni cheese is not one of them.
  • #125
Oh, I absolutely could.

Granted, I generally don't put as much butter in it as the box asks, but if I'm pretty hungry and I don't have anything else with it, yes.

Can't do a whole box of Velveeta Shells & Cheese though. That's asking for a stomachache.

Lobster Roll
  • #126
OT but has anyone ever try these?

Ten times more expensive but ten times more delicious.

If I'm going outside of the low-priced tier of Mac & Cheese then I'm just going to make an entire batch myself the proper way with a roux and all that good shit.
  • #128
I ate two whole boxes of california raisins.

My ass definitely regrets it.

  • #129
Yes and typically more lol I fucking love mac n cheese
  • #130
A box of Kraft is like 580 calories. I usually have one, if I'm starving I'll have two
  • #131
I noticed kraft isnt as good as it used to be. The cheese dust is less flavorful and the noodles are crappier... thinner with no flavor.
They changed the recipe at some point to make it more "natural" like the coloring coming from tumeric. That's probably the difference you're noticing.

I don't get the original anymore. Thick & Creamy is where it's at.

  • #132
A box of Kraft Dinner/whatever brand you guys have down there in the States is MADE for one person - despite the box saying it serves four or some crazy shit haha.

That said, and without fail, doing so makes me constipated. Every. Time.

  • #133
you better fuckin thank me later though, im not kidding
I don't know what to do. Every time I consider thanking you, it's always now.
  • #134
I can take down a whole box easily. Dump some hot sauce into the melted butter, milk and cheese powder, mix that around, and maybe add two crumbled strips of bacon and you've got yourself a damn fine meal!

I'll be having some of that later on! Got me some new hot sauces that are begging to be dumped into a freshly prepared pot of mac & cheese!

I Can Eat a Whole Pot of Mac N Cheese
